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Here at the Mustang Valley Project we do take donations, we want to encourage people to donate horses & foals to us instead of deleting them.

Have a Horse or Foal that didn't Sell, maybe one that's just Trouble, maybe you bought a foal but are no longer interested in it, Our Sims sometimes Adopt Horses & foals in-game, & sometimes our Horses breed without our blessings, These are Facts of Life, I know that things just happen & I am here to help.

We accept purebreds & crossbreds, Registered & unregistered horses alike. Horses & Foals with unknown lineage, are always welcome at MVP.

I play with aging off so after I receive a foal I will grow it up after some time.

1 real week in a MVP Facility(foals only)
after aging the Horse will be moved to a wildlife rehabilitation Facility so it can learn to be a wild horse
than after a suitable HMA & herd has been found the horse will be relocated for release,
if the herd is new to the area they will spend some time in a temporary Holding pen for a week(in game)before release,
if we are just adding a new mare to a existing herd we will keep her in a temporary Holding pen for only a few days.

1) Horses Can be CAP, but don't have to be

2) You Can Create a Horse just to Donate it to MVP

3) All Horses who do not have the Untrained trait will have it added

4) Horses should be no older than the Adult stage, Elder Horses are to old to be Released & would have to be De-aged in CAP to be released, A few Elder Horses maybe kept at the Facilities as Nannies for the foals(nannies are only mares)

5) Donated Horses do not have to Have Show Names, Horses with Show Names will only be refered to by those name on the passed donations page & in the donated horses section of the photo album

6) Horses that have unnatural Coat color will be Edited, (bays missing black legs will have that added, Hoof colors will be fixed, white markings will be whitened, odd spots that don't fit the color will be removed)

I changed the black muzzle to pick to fit the white blaze better & be more realistic
I changed black stockings on the hind legs to match the ones on the front for a more realistic look
I have the Stallion Junk Mod so I have since added the junk marking to his coat & the small eye shadow marking as well(will update pictures soon)
I did not change the conformation, color or markings that make this horse who he is, other than the faded stockings to be all the same & the color of the muzzle & hooves

7) I use the Coat Lessons by GenX

8) If the Horse's Coat Has any CC please let me know so I can add it to my game

9) Hoof color will be adjusted to the colors I use

10) Feathering of Draft breeds should fit the color of the legs, meaning if the horses legs mostly have socks or stockings than the feathers should be mostly white.

11) I have several Mods that I will be using,  Stallion Junk (I add the junk marking to all horses), belly slider, Tail thickness slider, Height slider, horses may or may not be adjusted using these mods

the use of "Show Names" is not common practice here at MVP because these horses are now wild we do not use the horses registered show name, the horse will be referred to using their barn name if they have one, if they don't than we will give them a name that is a) in thyme with their show name, or b) that is a part of their show name.

The Games Generated Wild Horses & those created to be adopted from the Adoption Center & Equestrian Center (Bandito Horse, Uma Horse) do to the way the game creates them will need to have coats fixed, & may need their bodies adjusted

Hoof Color of all horses with Black, Grey, silver, white, red, orange hoof colors will have them changed I use a hoof color similar to that show by genX in first lesson

Please fill out the form below & send it with the horse(s) to mustangvalleyproject@gmail.com with the subject line Horse Donation.

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Stable Name/Prefix:
Name of the Horse/Foal:
Barn Name:
Age Of the Horse(Foal,Adult,Elder):
Color of the Horse:
Is the Horse registered(if yes where):
Did you use any CC(must be free to download):
Has the Coat ever been Edited:
Is is okay to "De-age" the horse(only for Elders):